Friday, August 19, 2011

Honeymoon...SO OVER!!

When I started this blog I was all flush with the excitement of newness and adventure...and now - well I have spent the last week commuting between Columbus and Waverly scrubbing walls that are strewn with cobwebs and dirt and sweeping up walnut shells that the mice drug into the "master suite" (so inconsiderate of the little monsters)...then my mother-in-law found a RAT TRAP under the kitchen sink.
Rat Trap...
So let's just say my fantasy of country life has come blasting into reality this week.  The toilet is still in our bedroom - and the stove and fridge are in the living room...yes i am whining - TOTALLY.

But the amazing thing is how faithful God is to show me the humor in this...and to find the pleasure in watching my boys run around our huge front yard and smelling the air and watching the sun set.  The city has way too many lights to truly appreciate sunsets.

I will sorely miss our house - I nearly cried leaving it has been a happy place and um there are no rats or mice in it, but I will leave it behind to find adventure in our single wide trailer.

This weekend we are camping in my mother in laws' back yard (unless it rains) and doing a hot dog roast over an open fire.  Then I will paint the boys' room and toy room - and I am the happiest I have been in a really long time.

I am a nervous wreck - the boys start school Monday...but there is an underlying assurance that all is well...

I am so proud of my boys...check out Christian's 12th Birthday Celebration...he is such a handsome young man.

What a handsome boy - looks like his Mommy, don't you think??
Before and after pics of the trailer to come...

Have a blessed weekend.  Love to all.