Friday, December 9, 2011


Happy Holidays!! So much has changed since my last post...

I have started my new contract job with Pike County Children Services - best gig, ever!! It is such a blessing to work with ladies that love people and give their all for almost nothing in return.  They are a true blessing.

I am working part time - more time to sleep, eat, and WORRY. But the best part is more time for my boys. I love this.  I know Christian would rather I move back to Columbus and leave him alone - but it is so wonderful to be more hands on with them.  I get to read and do homework with Elisha and attend basketball practice with Christian.  Being a mom - it makes everything else make sense.

If you are wondering about our new NEWS...I am now running a boarding house for country mice.  There is a spacious and easily accessible entrance under my kitchen sink.  I clean their poop up everyday while Mike does war with the peanut butter smeared traps...sometimes I think I can hear them laughing at us.  This life continues to stretch me - make me re-evaluate things.

Oh and HUNTING SEASON...I was minding my own business the other day and heard a gun shot - YES A GUN SHOT....being from the south end of Columbus, my initial instinct is to HIT THE FREAKIN DECK.  I soon realize that I live in a "kill the deer" zone.  There are many, many large trucks, with many, many large men and their tiny sons in orange and camo gear.  Apparently the Monday after Thanksgiving is gun season.  So now when I leave my house - I wear reflective gear and RUN not walk, to my car. 

People miss work - and purposefully put deer pee on themselves and wear T-A-C-K-Y outfits to kill pretty little Bambies.  There is talk of deer stands (do you purchase deer at these stands - NO - you sit there to wait for them. REALLY).

Our pastor, Dennis, can shoot a deer with his left hand while reading his Bible with his right hand - this is not an exaggeration!! We have events at church to ready our gun sights and shoot at random things while hooping and hollering.  Snacks included.  Makes me think twice about that meat loaf at the next church dinner, know what I mean?

Just when I think I have things figured out they throw another wringer! Guess what's after gun/deer season?  Wait for it....MUZZLE LOADER/deer season - yes, some people still shoot with muzzle loaders, just like George Washington and Patrick Henry. I thought my father-in-law was making this up, but he assures me it is much more modern today, and, of course, very MANLY. 

Do you think Muzzle loaders kill mice?  I mean - at this point I am willing to try anything!

Just wanted to update you all on a few of the more significant country discoveries.

So thankful for the friends and family on this journey with me...

Happy Friday. love to you all. 

Monday, October 31, 2011


I was driving to work this morning, whining (big shock) and I felt a gentle Voice drawing me to pray - I didn't know what to pray, so I started with our Lord's Prayer and got as far as Hallowed be thy name.

Hallowed - holy, sacred, revered....

Our Father in Heaven...HALLOWED be Thy Name...And I was struck by the simplicity - it is not about me. It is for His glory and purpose. Not that He minds venting and honest cries, but He is to be held as holy, sacred and revered.  My life is to be an offering.

I am humbled by the comments to my posts...I am not courageous - but I know WHO I believe is not a pretty story from an old manuscript - scribed in the first century A.D.  It is my personal story of need and provision. Of life made sacred through the Hallowed One, Jesus.

I believe He hears me when I cry out - that He is present and REAL in my day to day. I believe. That is my only true responsibility for today - to believe that He is and that He rewards those who seek Him diligently. What peace that brings to me in this moment for this day.  May He be glorified through this - that I am not ashamed of the path He has called me to - and I will wait for Him - not because of what I have to offer - but because He is HALLOWED and I want His constant finger prints on the pages of my story.

Here is to the gentle Voice's call...

Happy Monday.

The Lord's Prayer


Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Three Ulcers and a Funeral

Okay. I worry. I worry A LOT.  I like to be in control. I prefer well-thought-out adventures without surprises.

Imagine my surprise when I passed out in the small bathroom in my single wide trailer last week.  That, my friends, was NOT part of the transition plan.  Well several tests and a two-day hospital stay later and I was diagnosed with bleeding ulcers.  I am not asking for sympathy - just wanted to point out that our health insurance runs out in November and my last day of steady, reliable employment is November 11, 2011. Perfect, huh?

I have this pit in my stomach...not from ulcers or numerous medications, but a raging uneasiness. I am full of second guessing and questions.  What the HELL was I thinking (sorry, mom, for the curse words, I believe my curse filter is set to OFF). 

The funeral part is not an actual funeral - thank God. But a funeral for my budding career as a domestic relations lawyer.  Let's have a moment of peace for my old dreams of partnership and fame...they have been traded for a part-time gig with a FABULOUS children services' agency and well, I don't know what else. And before you ask, NO THERE ARE NO BENEFITS. I am willingly plunging myself, husband and our children into the unknown and frightening realm of the un-insured. And I am TERRIFIED.  Lots of all caps today - sorry.

I decided not to stop writing this blog just because I am having a hard time.  That would be dishonest.  Right now, this adventure sort of sucks.

I am not brave. I whine too much. I focus on the negative and do not sleep well.  I worry that my children are living in a crummy trailer and that they will wonder what is wrong with them - why don't they have nice things like the other children around them. No cable. No computers. No new video games. Just library movies and books. Oh and a half-crazed mother that passes out in the bathroom because she eats Excedrin like candy and chases it with Alka-Selzer...

I miss our house.  Its warmth and non-bugginess/non-mousiness. Add to this that we had to stop paying our mortgage to qualify for short sale b/c we lost $70,000.00 in equity due to the mortgage crisis and you have the recipe for three giant ulcers...

Where is my Faith, you may ask - funny, I am asking the same thing.  Where is my security found? Where is my trust placed? Who is in control of this mess?  Where do I place my feet when the ground is shifting? No happy anecdote or funny punch-line.

Am I for real? Do I really want to do the work to make this transition work? More questions than answers. More doubt than faith. More worry than peace.  I will be honest, I am on the fence. I am tired and sick.

Would God even want me to mention His Holy name in a rambling messy post like this? 

He is peeling away myself - layer by layer and it is ugly under shiny baubles to distract from my doubt and worry. No fancy shopping trips or dinners-out to take my mind off things.  Just bare bleeding ulcers and a gut full of worry. And silence - and guilt that I am not all I thought I was...
Is this where you are, Lord?  Do you wait for me here in this place of infection and strain?  Do You still love this hot mess?  Do You shake Your Head at my initial enthusiasm and then predictable melt down?  Is this what it means to participate in the fellowship of Your sufferings - or are You just peeling away years of false-self and my pretend personage? 

I need You more now than ever.  I don't have the strength to continue to battle against the culture and my own inner-critic without Your help.

I am waiting for You hear me?
As a child waits for the attention of her father...I wait for You.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


After much weeping and gnashing of teeth the day of the move has FINALLY arrived!

This reminded me of traffic in Ethiopia...we don't have THIS much stuff!
By Sunday, September 4th - we will be official Ross County, Ohio Residents!! I have thought about this transition for so long that I can't believe it is finally happening.  The things that were just theories in my head are now reality!! 


FUEL OIL = okay - did you know that the gas to run my stove and furnace will be stored out back in a fuel tank?  WHAT?  I thought there were line thing a ma jigs for that?  I called to have our first delivery scheduled and requested that the tank be painted - "Sofia" - the nice Blue Flame lady - could barely stifle her giggling at my concern over the outward condition of our fuel tank...

TOILET PAPER - ok - did you know that use of too much - too thick - toilet paper can end up with a poop flood in my back yard?? This is news to me.  Only a little toilet paper - and super thin toilet paper, or we will be hiking through doo-doo.  I have NEVER considered where my toilet paper ends up...

SHORT SHOWERS - five minute showers at the trailer - b/c the leech bed can only handle so much water at one time...ummm - what is a leech bed? And what do worms have to do with the amount of water we use when we shower...will they come through the drain and suck my blood too?

NIGHT NOISES - Frogs.are.LOUD!!  I do not want to hear anyone complain about the noisy traffic in the city - frogs/crickets/unknown loud varmints beat any semi I have EVER heard. 

WOOD ROACHES - yes - these are bugs that live in the trees and come into my house when it is cold outside...this discovery made me cry for an entire day - seriously sobbed...(more about these tears in another post)

STREET LIGHTS - it is SO dark in the country - the stars take my breath - I had forgotten there are so many!

MICE - they think they live in my trailer - my father in law patched a hole in the wall and the buggers just chewed through again.  Mike (MY HERO!) has set traps.  Country mice are sturdy.  One mouse squirmed in a trap all night - slamming against the wall and finally Mike had to "put it out of our misery".  Please do not think less of us...if we had let him go - he would have come back in.  The boys were devastated - Elisha insisted it was super cute and we should let it live...however, he wasn't ready to let it live in our new home - so - well - you get the picture.
I am so thankful to my family for their help during this transition.  We could not have made this happen without the help of Mike's mom, step-dad and brother, Scott.

The musty smells of our new home remind me that there has been no human life in our trailer for three or four years.  I will continue to try to make this space our home and will try to learn to appreciate that ants, roaches, mice and moths and other spiders are God's creation too.

Thanks for your prayers and continued interest in what God is doing for us!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Honeymoon...SO OVER!!

When I started this blog I was all flush with the excitement of newness and adventure...and now - well I have spent the last week commuting between Columbus and Waverly scrubbing walls that are strewn with cobwebs and dirt and sweeping up walnut shells that the mice drug into the "master suite" (so inconsiderate of the little monsters)...then my mother-in-law found a RAT TRAP under the kitchen sink.
Rat Trap...
So let's just say my fantasy of country life has come blasting into reality this week.  The toilet is still in our bedroom - and the stove and fridge are in the living room...yes i am whining - TOTALLY.

But the amazing thing is how faithful God is to show me the humor in this...and to find the pleasure in watching my boys run around our huge front yard and smelling the air and watching the sun set.  The city has way too many lights to truly appreciate sunsets.

I will sorely miss our house - I nearly cried leaving it has been a happy place and um there are no rats or mice in it, but I will leave it behind to find adventure in our single wide trailer.

This weekend we are camping in my mother in laws' back yard (unless it rains) and doing a hot dog roast over an open fire.  Then I will paint the boys' room and toy room - and I am the happiest I have been in a really long time.

I am a nervous wreck - the boys start school Monday...but there is an underlying assurance that all is well...

I am so proud of my boys...check out Christian's 12th Birthday Celebration...he is such a handsome young man.

What a handsome boy - looks like his Mommy, don't you think??
Before and after pics of the trailer to come...

Have a blessed weekend.  Love to all.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vogue? Yes Please!

I have not blogged lately because I am overwhelmed and a little upset with myself...why am I having such a hard time leaving the consumer life-style behind?
I am a bit of a whiner, so forgive this rant...I am aware that there are people starving and I am prayerful everyday that God would intervene and give me opportunity to assist those in need.

                      BUT can I still love my Vogue magazine? 

What about an eyebrow wax and hair cut - are those "necessary" expenses?  How is it possible to research milk goats and the latest fashions for Fall 2011?  IS that craziness?  Can I unplug from the consumer culture and still care about fashion and how I look?

It is a little embarrassing how much I struggle with this.  I am much too old to focus so much of my attention on how I look, right?  Is this a cultural thing - to strive for beauty and style - or is it a function of the media and advertising agencies?  And how does this jive with the global poverty crisis?  It makes me furious that an intelligent woman is advocating for her beliefs and media outlets comment on her clothing...but don't I do the same thing?

We are programmed to filter everything through how a person appears - I want to stop that - WHOLEHEARTEDLY, but is it hypocritical to want to be fashionable at the same time? 
Fashionable Woman in Suit

How do girls that live in a single wide trailer dress?  Should I wear flannel and denim with work boots?  Or is it wrong that I want Egyptian cotton - 800 thread-count sheets on our used full size bed that was purchased for $20 at a garage sale? 

Highlight for Album: hernandez

Please pray as I face these issues.  I want to live a life that is honest and genuine - where my values are expressed in all areas of my life.  I do not struggle (not too much) with reducing what we have - it is necessary. But I am struggling with WANTING - I want a new fall wardrobe and cut/color and an eyebrow wax and a mani/pedi - does an authentic woman, follower of The WAY, conscientious world citizen still WANT as much as I do?

I  no longer crave the big house and new car - but I do love to shop and get a contact high from cashmere and worsted wool.  I love the clean lines of a freshly cleaned suit and black leather pumps.  I love french manicured nails and bright red toe nails.  I am not currently purchasing any of these things - but I still love them and want them.

Does this fit into my new life?  Does this fit with heartache for Ethiopian orphans and Sudan? Does this fit with wanting to live on less and focus on God and my family?  Does this fit with wanting to impact the poor?  Can you feed the homeless with french manicured nails and black leather pumps - do these worlds fit together?

So - today, no cute story or inspirational thought - just me spinning my wheels in the mud and trying to figure it out...

Love to you all...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Guess what DOES fit in my Single Wide Trailer...

Dad preaching at Lighthouse Ministries

My father, Herschel Holley, would have been 60 years old tomorrow (7/13).  He died about 3 1/2 years ago.  I miss him everyday. 

He was the senior pastor at Lighthouse Ministries in Columbus, Ohio and a friend to all that crossed his path.  The day before the surgery that would take his life - he was giving me instructions from his hospital bed to check on a lady in the trailer-court next to the church.  She had just had a baby and didn't have health insurance - he was very worried about her physical and mental health...

He loved our church people. Mike and I served with him at the church  - as did my sister and her husband - it was wonderful to minister together and to be under his teaching.

Mom and Dad (2006)
 My mom and dad grew up on the south end of Columbus, Ohio - mom lived in "the neighborhood" and they both graduated from Marion Franklin High School.  None of my grandparents finished high school.  It was not a fancy start. 

My parents met at a little church on Lock Avenue and were married right after mom finished high school - they would have been married 40 years on 7/10/11.  Their love for each other created a safe place for our family - including their grandchildren - dad could NOT get enough of his grand babies. 

Dad, Christian and Caden

Dad and Christian at Spring School Play

These are just a Very few examples of his love...notice his smirk and smile in all of the pictures - he was such a wonderful Papaw...

Dad and Meredith at Cade's Birthday Party (04/2006)

At this transition in my life I would love to hear what he would think of our life change - what advice he would give.  I know that he would worry and shake his head at the drasticness (not a word - I know) of it all - but I also know that he would tell me how much he loves me and that to follow God's plan is the only way to go.  Dad's love for me - always gave me the courage to try - because I knew that if I failed - he would be there to help me pick up the pieces...many times he had helped me dust myself off and start again.  His unwavering confidence in me gave me strength.

The great news is that these same supports are available to me from my Heavenly Father.  I am so thankful that my father taught me about our Father and His path.  I would not be where I am today without this knowledge of God.

Dad left me his grandchildren as his legacy - and he would demand that they be brought up in the way of the Father...this lesson travels to the small single wide trailer in Ross County, Ohio.  The example and principles my dad taught fit easily into the small spaces of our new home.  I am so thankful for him and for the Faith he showed me how to live everyday of his life.

Happy Tuesday Everybody!! And Happy 60th Birthday, Dad - we miss you and love you!

Monday, July 11, 2011


One of the results of having your eyes opened to the world around you - is to realize that there is MUCH suffering.  I realize that getting a post regarding suffering does not make the day more pleasant - but please take some time to be informed and pray!

Please follow this link to read the post from Kimberly Smith's report on the atrocities in the Sudan.  As Southern Sudan builds its own free nation - we need to be even more diligent with our prayers.

It is important that we encourage our congress persons and senators to maintain pressure on President Obama to support this new nation state.

This post is for mature audiences only - the pictures of the suffering are quite graphic.

Thank you for your time and compassion for our brothers and sisters in Sudan. God bless you - have a great Monday.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Korah Dump
 On my journey to our single wide trailer, there was an important stop outside of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  This was a place called Korah.  It is the city dump for the large capital city of Addis.  Having a city dump for a large city is not unusual - but to have it full of people scrounging for survival is heart-breaking. 

There is a leper hospital near Korah - lepers are outcasts in society and in a desperate attempt for medical care and a place to take their families - lepers began moving in and around the dump - now three generations of people  - 75,000 strong live in and near the Korah Dump.

Man with leprosy weaving straw mat.

The man in this picture to the left has five children.  He works tirelessly without fingers to weave straw floor mats to sell at the leprosy hospital.

I have been home from Ethiopia for about a month - and have waited to write this blog post because I can't do justice to the suffering there with my words.

Because of the way these precious people forage for food - they smell pretty bad and are ostracized by the people outside of the Korah.  Their children are made fun of at school - if they can afford school - even by the teachers.  The adults cannot get work because towns people can smell where they are from.  The towns people will not even sell there wares or hand crafts.  These are a forgotten people by everyone.

But they are people - people that love their children and fight for survival. 

Little girl in Korah

 Also, the people there have been promised help repeatedly and still no aid comes.  Their children are starving - rummaging through trash and eating what they find - right there in the trash heap.  They dig through hospital needles, bloody bandages and animal feces to find something that resembles food.

These are real children living in deplorable conditions with no hope. No way to get an education, clean water, food or clothing.  There is no promise of -"if you work hard and do your best - you can get out of here".

I have never felt such hopelessness - I thought to myself while we were there - this must be what Hell is like. Starvation, death, disease and NO HOPE.


While were there we met a young man who grew up in Korah.  One day a kind missionary picked him out with a group of about 10 young people.  This missionary family gave him clothes and a way to go to school and taught him about Jesus.  This young man's name is Yemamu Ahmed.  He finished school and went to college and instead of running away as fast as he can from Korah - he is returning with a plan.

Yemamu Ahmed
Yemamu has been granted land within Korah to begin a feeding program and a mentoring/tutoring program for children at Korah.

AND I AM SO PROUD AND THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE!!  That on July 4, 2011 - Yemamu's group did their first feeding program with WONDERFUL results!!  Yemamu wrote that while the USA celebrated their freedom - on that same day we were able to feed people in Korah!!

Delivering Hope, Inc. - the non-profit that I traveled with to Ethiopia was able to contribute while we were in Ethiopia and is continuing to work to build a partnership with Yemamu.

There is still much work to do. If you are interested in helping the people of Korah - I will be happy to pass along information for Delivering Hope...

Thank you for taking time to read this post - I pray that God will bring the people of Korah to your mind so you can join in praying with me for them!

When I look at the strength of these proud people -- it inspires me to continue to strip away the unnecessary things and move toward simplicity - to free up time and resources for our brothers and sisters who need our time and our resources.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Women and children at Korah

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Holding my breath...and letting go of the beam.

Okay - well today has been a challenge.  This transition, at times, SUCKS! Sorry to those of you who are sensitive to that word.  I am just overwhelmed by the changes today.  The Waverly School system does not believe we are moving to the area - and has put our request for open enrollment on hold - I am sure that this is policy BUT - REALLY - do you think I am going to commute to Waverly from Columbus just so my boys can go to school there?

We are on our way with the trailer we are moving into - however, we are still not sure what to do with our home in Columbus.

And now I am faced with the problem of what to do with our stuff...we are giving it away - selling it for charity - forcing it on family members - but how do I get rid of my outlines from law school - they could be very important - someday.  And my Martha Stewart and Country Living Mags - I am still going to need things to read in my Single Wide Trailer - right?

I did not start this blog to complain - but my head is fulll of worries and I am attempting to get them out so I can let them go.  I know the Father is on it...and I am to cast all my cares on Him.

It is interesting that this reduction in living is clearing a lot of the things that I turned to instead of Him...I am thankful for this.  It is lonely out here in crazy girl land - except for my husband and partner-in-crime Jaime Glandon - I am alone in my choices and overwhelmed by the PULL of the things I am trying to leave behind.

Someone posted this video today...and it inspired me - hope it does the same for you...Francis Chan - the Balance Beam

But the truth is I am NOT alone - there are many of us working out our Salvation in different ways...

I choose to continue to "let go" and follow this adventure!!  Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

Me and my sweet boys!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The day I "unliked" Macys...

(**macy's logo is the trademark property of macy's and NOT my property to reproduce for gain or sale)

To understand the trauma of removing any Macys information from anything in my life requires a little knowledge of my relationship with shopping...

Here in Columbus, OH - Macys bought-out a few years ago a long-time central Ohio company called Lazarus.  I began traveling to Lazarus as a very small child with my Nanna who had taken my mother to Lazarus as a small child.  Lazarus was a multi-generational gathering place for the latest sales and girl time in my family (Nanna, Aunties, Cousins, Best Friends, Sisters, etc.).  Obtaining a Lazarus credit card was an adult rite of passage for the women in my family. 

The day after Thanksgiving is a coupon festival at, you guessed it, Macys.  This tradition has continued until today.  Yes, I will still tag along to Macys for girl-time, but I am no longer their Facebook fan and have discontinued using Lancome Make-Up (you can't see me - but there is much thrashing and weeping at my desk right now...) and (big gulp) my Macys credit card.
<<I am now a coupon carrying L'Oreal girl or whatever else my sister can get on sale at WalGreens.  Thanks Sara - I love you!>>

There is not much room in my Single Wide Trailer for Macys clearance deals and extras - Mike and I will be sharing a closet the size of, it is so small, I don't know what to compare it will only hold a few pairs of shoes and remnants of our old life.

I am not complaining as much as stating the facts and trying to get my mind around it.  I am sure this seems very shallow to most of you.

But I love to shop - I love the smell of Macys - the fragrances - the make-up - the clothing.  It has a calming effect on me every time!  Anytime an exciting event takes place - I go shopping.  A new house, new season, holiday, new baby, wedding, graduation, good trial decision...I want to SHOP!  Unfortunately, it has been a fixture in my uber-consumer lifestyle. 

As we strive to live more simply, I want to be a producer instead of a consumer.  I want to learn to be satisfied with things that are still usable and learn to "make do" in an attempt to disconnect from our "must have more" society and fully embrace whatever God has for us...I am still working this out in my mind!!  But for me, it means unliking Macys on Facebook and not using my Macys credit card...

Have a GREAT Thursday!!

My Elisha saying "Happy Thursday"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

About a Boy...

This is my husband Mike.  I wanted to write about how we arrived at this place in our journey, but felt we needed some back story...

Once upon a time, eight short years ago, a broken man and bitter woman met at the Sack and Save in Chillicothe, OH for their first date...

That is how are not-so-fairy-tale life together began.  Mike and I had both been through painful relationships by the time we met.  But the first time my finger grazed his Bull tattoo on his upper arm - I fell in love.  We met in late May of 2003 and were married by October 3, 2003.  CRAZY?? Yes.  But beautiful and timely for both of us.

With this man, God has taught me what true love is.  That it is messy and sometimes tough, but always worth it.

Due to past experience, my trust level was not very high - I questioned and pushed Mike to the brink, and you know what?  He never left - NEVER.  I am not an easy woman to live with - however, he didn't give up and drew me out of the hurt and pain to enter into this beautiful love relationship with him.

I do NOT want to give the impression that we did not have some heated "discussions", and there were some slammed doors and hurt feelings - but you have to understand the love I have for my husband in order to understand why we are moving into our "love trailer".

Mike has a vision to impact the homeless and forgotten.  He is a natural. I have never seen anyone, other than my dad, that has such a heart for those that society has marginalized and forgotten. He has started a homeless ministry in Chillicothe, OH with our sister, Jaime Glandon, out of the back of our 1996 Hyundai Accent. Bringing only what he can scrape together - he has traveled the streets of Chillicothe seeking out the homeless and hungry. 

It is nothing for Mike to call me at work and say - "I am taking Joe to lunch at Ponderosa" - I ask, Who is Joe? Mike states, "it is our friend that sits at the corner of Bridge St. by the WalMart entrance".  It is nothing for my husband to be seen with the dirty, stinky folks most people try to avoid...and I couldn't be prouder of him.

So we move to our Single Wide Trailer to free up more resources to go after these precious ones in the name of the Father.  To show them Christ's love and that He has not forgotten their pain or lack. 

This is NOT because I am a saint - NO NO NO!!  I have selfishly grieved this move and the loss of Starbucks and Macys and Surly Girls, and Jenni's Ice Cream, and Williams Sonoma, and Easton...well you get the picture!!

Thank you for sharing this journey with me...have a GREAT Wednesday!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Current Home
This is our current home.  Small, modest four-bedroom in Southeast Columbus, Ohio. I love this house.  When we moved in my boys were 7 and almost two...we have so many lovely memories here. Christmas, Easter - Halloween - Birthdays - my last Father's Day with my dad - all within the four walls of this house...

YET - we are moving from our comfortable home into a Single Wide Trailer in rural Ross County, OH - where the current residents are a lovely family of chipmunks and mice...

WHY would any sane, educated woman do this? That is what this blog is going to explore. How an attorney, and recovering fashionista, from Columbus, OH makes the journey to down-sizing and trying to build the life of her dreams.  This blog is going to help me put into words the thoughts and feelings whizzing around in my head - and hopefully - bring clarity to the life changing process in which I find myself and my family....