Wednesday, June 29, 2011

About a Boy...

This is my husband Mike.  I wanted to write about how we arrived at this place in our journey, but felt we needed some back story...

Once upon a time, eight short years ago, a broken man and bitter woman met at the Sack and Save in Chillicothe, OH for their first date...

That is how are not-so-fairy-tale life together began.  Mike and I had both been through painful relationships by the time we met.  But the first time my finger grazed his Bull tattoo on his upper arm - I fell in love.  We met in late May of 2003 and were married by October 3, 2003.  CRAZY?? Yes.  But beautiful and timely for both of us.

With this man, God has taught me what true love is.  That it is messy and sometimes tough, but always worth it.

Due to past experience, my trust level was not very high - I questioned and pushed Mike to the brink, and you know what?  He never left - NEVER.  I am not an easy woman to live with - however, he didn't give up and drew me out of the hurt and pain to enter into this beautiful love relationship with him.

I do NOT want to give the impression that we did not have some heated "discussions", and there were some slammed doors and hurt feelings - but you have to understand the love I have for my husband in order to understand why we are moving into our "love trailer".

Mike has a vision to impact the homeless and forgotten.  He is a natural. I have never seen anyone, other than my dad, that has such a heart for those that society has marginalized and forgotten. He has started a homeless ministry in Chillicothe, OH with our sister, Jaime Glandon, out of the back of our 1996 Hyundai Accent. Bringing only what he can scrape together - he has traveled the streets of Chillicothe seeking out the homeless and hungry. 

It is nothing for Mike to call me at work and say - "I am taking Joe to lunch at Ponderosa" - I ask, Who is Joe? Mike states, "it is our friend that sits at the corner of Bridge St. by the WalMart entrance".  It is nothing for my husband to be seen with the dirty, stinky folks most people try to avoid...and I couldn't be prouder of him.

So we move to our Single Wide Trailer to free up more resources to go after these precious ones in the name of the Father.  To show them Christ's love and that He has not forgotten their pain or lack. 

This is NOT because I am a saint - NO NO NO!!  I have selfishly grieved this move and the loss of Starbucks and Macys and Surly Girls, and Jenni's Ice Cream, and Williams Sonoma, and Easton...well you get the picture!!

Thank you for sharing this journey with me...have a GREAT Wednesday!!


  1. James 1:27
    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

    This is what it's truly all about, Liz. This is the Church's calling. May God continue to bless your family for your faithfulness. I love you!


  2. I love reading this story. It makes me cry but happy at the same time. I love that Mike has cradled your tender trust in his hands and NEVER LEFT. You have a husband of great virtue and you deserve that. Also, don't discredit yourself in this story of moving to the love shack, oh i mean trailer, you too have a heart of gold. (plus,,,i just have to say what relationship can go wrong when you hook up at the Sack & Save :)
